Tentative Syllabus ED 3440


ED 3440

3 credits

Mathematics Methods in the Secondary School
Fall 2010


Professional Education



Mathematics Education Major, B.S. (Teacher Licensure)


3:30-6:30 PM Mon

HS 231


20 hours practicum

This will require at least 2 full days at a public school site.


Dr. Glen Richgels

HS 360

Office: 218-755-2824

Email: grichgels@bemidjistate.edu

www: http://faculty.bemidjistate.edu/grichgels/

Office Hours:

  7-  8 M-F

11-12 M-F


Course Description:

MATHEMATICS METHODS IN THE SECONDARY SCHOOL (3 credits) NCTM Standards, lesson planning, Minnesota Frameworks, Graduation Rule, objectives, methods, and materials.


ED 3110 or consent of instructor.


Professional Education Mission Statement

Bemidji State University prepares teachers through inquisitive, involved, reflective practice. The framework outlining our program sets a standard that is rigorous, exemplary and innovative. The curricular structure is research based and organized around the Standards of Effective Practice. Graduates are proficient, collaborative, technologically literate and environmentally aware teachers, who work effectively in various settings with diverse learners.


Principles and Standards for School Mathematics (Book and E-Standards CD)(NCTM)

Navigating Through Algebra in Grades 9-12 (NCTM)



NCTM Curriculum and Evaluation Standards   (CS)

NCTM Professional Standards   (PS)

NCTM Assessment Standards   (AS)

NCTM Addenda  Series  5-12

NCTM Navigations Materials

Minnesota K-12 Mathematics Curriculum Framework

NCTM Focus in High School Mathematics: Reasoning and Sense Making

NCTM Curriculum Focal Points

NCTM 100 years Steen Article





Homework:  Homework assignments will be made in class.  You should come prepared to discuss the various reading assignments and compare contrast them with what you have observed in schools.

Class participation and quizzes:  Class participation is expected and in order to participate you need to be present. 

Exams: Projects will take the place of quizzes and exams. Students are expected to participate in all projects and discussions. The final exam/personal interview will be scheduled for the final week of exams.

Grades: Grades for this course will be based upon participation, projects, and a personal portfolio. Assignments will be given in class. The following grading scale will be used to determine grades:

            A         90% - 100%

            B         80% -   89%

            C         70% -   79%

            D         60% -   69%


A grade of C or better indicates that the student has successfully met the competencies measured in this class through discussion, homework, and projects.

Incomplete: An incomplete (I) grade will only be given in documented emergency situations. BSU policies will be followed.


NOTE: Upon request, this document and others distributed in this course can be made available in alternate formats.  If you have a documented disability and need accommodations for this course please contact the instructor,  the Disability Services Office in 202 Sanford Hall, Bemidji State University or Kathi Hagen in the Office for Students with Disabilities at 755-3883 for assistance.. Any other questions about this course should be directed to the instructor.

Change in Course Syllabus: The Instructor reserves the right to change this syllabus as this course proceeds if the need arises. Should a change be required the class will be notified.


Goals and objectives of the course:

Students will:

  1. read and report on the NCTM’s PSSM and other standards documents.
  2. see the difference between learning a mathematical skill and understanding a mathematical concept.
  3. re-familiarize themselves with secondary level mathematics.
  4. work with reform curriculum materials and contrast these with traditional.
  5. design lesson plans for a mathematics lesson in a secondary school classroom.
  6. construct a bulletin board for a mathematics classroom.
  7. create a notebook of helpful materials for mathematics teachers.
  8. Create a portfolio of relavant materials that could be used for a job interview








PSSM Number include:

  * summary

  * reatcion

  * JAVA applet

  * Mathemtics Teacher article

  * activities from class

PSSM Algebra include:

  * summary

  * reatcion

  * JAVA applet

  * Mathemtics Teacher article

  * activities from class

PSSM Geometry include:

  * summary

  * reatcion

  * JAVA applet

  * Mathemtics Teacher article

  * activities from class

PSSM Measurement include:

  * summary

  * reatcion

  * JAVA applet

  * Mathemtics Teacher article

  * activities from class

PSSM Probability & Statistics include:

  * summary

  * reatcion

  * JAVA applet

  * Mathemtics Teacher article

  * activities from class

Journal from practicum include:

  * log of hours and observations

  * signed and completed teacher evaluation


Course Outline;


Mathematics Education history unit :

WW II to present. Topics included; textbook development evolution and development, NCTM and Minnesota state standards, No Child Left Behind Legislation, TIMSS results, NAEP results, BSU freshmen data, BSU graduation data.

Assignments: define mathematics, describe your perfect teaching job, where do you want to teach, construct standards notebook.


Mathematics Education – Educational Psychology foundations unit:

including Bruner, Lesh, CGI, Polya, and van Hiele models. The role of tracking in students mathematical development.

Assignments: tracking articles


Lesson Plan development unit:

standards, units, daily planning, written curriculum, intended curriculum, delivered curriculum, teachers beliefs.

Assignments: observe cooperating teacher 20 hours, present at least 2 instructional lessons


Technology & Manipulatives unit:

the role of facts and automatized routines; manipulatives, film, calculators, applets and computers. The development of concepts and use for practical purposes.

Assignments: Integrate instructional materials into peer presentations.


Model Lesson Plan development unit:

            Trigonometry Unit: Right triangle trigonometry and unit circle trigonometry

Complex Number Unit: rectangular and polar coordinates, addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, and roots of numbers; graphical/geometric interpretation of operations.


Current Research unit:

NCTM Focus in High School Mathematics: Reasoning and Sense Making, Curriculum focal points and Steen article, University of Minnesota NSF research, BSU freshmen and graduation research.

            Assignment: Reflect on current high school curriculum and organization.


Professional Materials unit:

Professional Standards and professional organizations, journals, and conferences.

Assignments: Read, review, summarize, and react to 6 professional standards.


Assessment Standards unit

Assignments: Read, review, summarize, and react to 6 assessment standards.


Connections with other disciplines:

Assignment possibilities: tower, Bridge, Trebuchet, Robot car


NSF/Traditional Curriculum unit:

NSF Curriculum review and peer presentations:

Assignments: prepare peer presentation that incorporates, technology and best practices.


Local Communities unit:

resources, expectiations, limitations, administrators, and parents


Instructional Strategies used by instructor in course:


Polya’s problem solving steps

1.     Understand the problem

    1. Devise a plan
    2. Carry out the plan
    3. Reflect


Lesson Sequencing

            Intuitions Þ Concrete Û Semi-Concrete Û Abstract


Glen’s Teaching/Learning Principles

1.     Teach the way students learn

2.     Use group work, heterogenous, 3-4, change monthly

3.     Communication student Û student

4.     Communication teacher Û student

5.     Multiple solution paths

6.     Use contextual settings / problem solving

7.     Assessment

a.     Grading

b.     To inform instruction



Updated by Glen Richgels

February 26, 2010





TENTATIVE Daily Course Outline


Day 1

Course overview: volunteer 20 hrs in classroom, PSSM - for each standard: summary, reaction, journal activity, www activity/lesson & JAVA.  Play PIG – next class bring your own math game. Mathematics Education history unit.

Day 2

Project with science teachers – lesson plan format on website.  Build a structure to support a ping pong ball with marshmallows & noodles

Day 3

Match with BHS teacher – want 2 – 3 lessons taught do it THEIR way.  TIMSS & “Nation at Risk” lead to reform mathematics. Navigations Number Sense, Mod 7 OR Water World. Mathematics Education – Ed Psych unit

Day 4

Compare game lesson plans to MN Standards. Lesson Plan development unit.

Day 5

Sections of PSSM read.

Day 6

Discuss PSSM.  Put 0-million on chalkboard.  Where is 1,000?…  x10=2x is easy on spreadsheet but difficult with algebra. Technology and Manipulative unit.

Day 7

Build a bridge with science students

Day 8

Discuss observations and student teaching (visit other classrooms).  Discuss PSSM.

Day 9

 Model Lesson Plan development unit.

Day 10

People who write math textbooks design it around mathematics, not around how people learn.  Measurement, Data & Prob  EX: If 2 coins then P(HH)=.25, P(HH|1st was H) = .5, P(HH|1 was H) = .3333…  Consider 100 athletes where 10% use drugs and a test that is 90% accurate.

Day 11

Problem solving: 1+2+3+…+99+100=? takes time.  Tetris (Tetromino = four blocks) how many possible shapes?  Pentomino? (12 possible)  Hexomino? …  Geometric proof of a(b+c) = ab + ac (area model)

Day 12

Van Hiele levels: Level 0 – visualiztion (gr 0-2); Level 1 analysis/definitions (gr K-6); Level 2 informal deduction (gr 5-9); Level 3 deduction proof (gr 8 - ?); Level 4 rigor/axiomatics (gr college?)  Assign Professional Standards & Assessment Standards.  Check for progress on volunteering, bulletin boards, portfolio, …

Day 13


Day 14

Student lesson presentations

Day 15

Student lesson presentations

Day 16

Student lesson presentations

Day 17

Student lesson presentations

Day 18

NCLB changed math focus from how many take calc to how many pass basic skills tests.  Who needs calc? Who needs stats? Interviewing skills & questions.  Worthwhile mathematical tasks vs. exercises.  Teacher's role in discourse (wait time, names vs everyone, "guide on the side rather than the sage on the stage.)  Learning environment to encourage intellectual risk takers.

Day 19

Robotics – superlab

Day 20

Robotics – superlab

Day 21

Professional Materials unit. Assessment Standards unit. Assessment standards (math, equity, openness, inferences, coherence)

Day 22

NSF/Traditional Curriculum unit. Differences / similarities Core +, Arise, SIMMS, IMP

Day 23

What’s in the portfolios

Day 24

Research on mathematics learning

Day 25

Student lesson presentations

Day 26

Student lesson presentations

Day 27

Student lesson presentations

Day 28

Student lesson presentations

Day 29

TIMSS video. Local Communities unit.

Day 30

TIMSS video – debrief on math ed major

Day 31

1) first three digits of phone # times 80 || 2) add 1 || 3) multiply by 250 || 4) add the last four digits of your phone # || 5) add the last four digits of your phone # - AGAIN || 6) subtract 250 || 7) Divide by 2.  Do you recognize the answer?  Why does this work??

Day 32

IMAP video clips

Day 33


Day 34











Board of Teaching Standards




Professional Education Program




8710.4600 Teachers of Mathematics

Course ID



Activity or Unit



Subp. 3.  Subject matter standard.  A candidate for licensure as a teacher of mathematics must complete a preparation program under subpart 2, item C, that must include the candidate's demonstration of the knowledge and skills in items A to I.




C.  A teacher of mathematics understands that number sense is the underlying structure that ties mathematics into a coherent field of study, rather than an isolated set of rules, facts, and formulae.  The teacher of mathematics must demonstrate knowledge of the following mathematical concepts and procedures and the connections among them: 




(6) geometric and polar representation of complex numbers and the interpretation of complex solutions to equations;



Unit on complex numbers

Students derive product, quotient, and root formula for complex numbers. Derivations become part of their notebook.

D.  A teacher of mathematics understands geometry and measurement from both abstract and concrete perspectives and is able to identify real world applications and to use geometric learning tools and models, including geoboards, compass and straight edge, rules and protractor, patty paper, reflection tools, spheres, and platonic solids.  The teacher of mathematics must demonstrate knowledge of the following mathematical concepts and procedures and the connections among them: 




(15) extend work with two-dimensional right triangles including unit circle trigonometry.


Unit on trigonometry

Students connect right triangles, unit circles, and real numbers. These connections are part of their course notebook.

H.  A teacher of mathematics must: 




(2) recognize that there are multiple mathematical world views and how the teacher's own view is similar to or different from that of the students;


Unit on reform and traditional curriculum.

Students will write a reflection essay on mathematical world views.

(4) understand the role of technology, manipulatives, and models in mathematics.



Several computer software packages (e.g. Geometer’s Sketchpad, Cinderella), a number of  manipulatives and two and three-dimensional models are used to explore geometric ideas. 

In M3560  these are assessed through in class activities and homework assignments.



Lesson plans will include manipulatives or software.

I.  A teacher of mathematics must demonstrate an understanding of the teaching of mathematics that integrates understanding of mathematics with the understanding of pedagogy, students, learning, classroom management, and professional development.  The teacher of mathematics to preadolescent and adolescent students shall:




(1) understand and apply educational principles relevant to the physical, social, emotional, moral, and cognitive development of preadolescents and adolescents;


Mathematics Education – Educational Psychology Foundations unit

Students will write a reflection essay.

(2) understand and apply the research base for and the best practices of middle level and high school education;


Mathematics Education – Educational Psychology  Foundations unit

Technology & Manipulatives unit

Current Research unit

Reform/Traditional Curriculum unit

Students will write a reflection essay.

(3) develop curriculum goals and purposes based on the central concepts of mathematics and know how to apply instructional strategies and materials for achieving student understanding of this discipline;


Mathematics Education – Educational Psychology  Foundations unit

Technology & Manipulatives unit

Current Research unit

Reform/Traditional Curriculum unit

Demonstrated in student developed lesson plans.

(4) understand the role and alignment of district, school, and department mission and goals in program planning;


Lesson Plan development unit

Demonstrated in student developed lesson plans.

(5) understand the need for and how to connect students' schooling experiences with everyday life, the workplace, and further educational opportunities;


Current Research unit

Demonstrated in student developed lesson plans.

(6) know how to involve representatives of business, industry, and community organizations as active partners in creating educational opportunities;


Local Communities unit

Students will write a reflection essay.

(7) understand the role and purpose of co-curricular and extracurricular activities in the teaching and learning process;


Current Research unit

Students will write a reflection essay.

(8) understand the impact of reading ability on student achievement in mathematics, recognize the varying reading comprehension and fluency levels represented by students, and possess the strategies to assist students to read mathematical content materials more effectively; and


Reform/Traditional Curriculum unit

Current Research unit

Reading unit

Students will write a reflection essay.

(9) apply the standards of effective practice in teaching students through a variety of early and ongoing clinical experiences with middle level and high school students within a range of educational programming models.


Lesson Plan development unit

Practicum experience and students will write a reflection essay.


Student writing will be evaluated using the following rubric

1.     Writing is incomplete. No indication of progress toward standard.

2.     Writing completed. Indication of progress toward standard at beginning level.

3.     Writing completed. Demonstrable progress toward standard at satisfactory level.

4.     Writing completed. Exemplary progress toward standard beyond level expected.


Professional Education Mission Statement

Bemidji State University prepares teachers through inquisitive, involved, reflective practice. The framework outlining our program sets a standard that is rigorous, exemplary and innovative. The curricular structure is research based and organized around the Standards of Effective Practice. Graduates are proficient, collaborative, technologically literate and environmentally aware teachers, who work effectively in various settings with diverse learners.


The mathematics teacher from BSU will graduate will be a collaborative professional in two aspects. They will use collaborative learning in the classroom to help students learn more. A collaborative environment benefits all students, not just the top students or a subgroup of the class. Also the teachers will understand the benefits of collaboration between colleagues, locally and distant. Sharing of ideas electronically  and through conferences enhances a teachers experiences for the benefit of their students. Proficiency in a teacher is developed through a development of content knowledge and an understanding of pedagogy. The math teacher from BSU will understand that good pedagogy will provide students the best opportunity to learn.


Best practices for math teachers are studied in the review and discussion of the NCTM documents, Principles and Standards for School Mathematics, Professional Standards, Assessment Standards, and the Navigations series. During the class these practices will be modeled in the Trigonometry Unit and the Complex Number Unit. Students will be critiqued in their lesson plan development, class mini-lessons and in their class presentations.