Tentative Syllabus Math 3065


Math 3065

4 credits

Fall 2010


Mathematics and Computer Science



Elementary Education Major, B.S. (Teacher Licensure)


9:00-9:50 AM MWF

HS 231





Dr. Glen Richgels

HS 360

Office: 218-755-2824

Email: grichgels@bemidjistate.edu

www: http://faculty.bemidjistate.edu/grichgels/

Office Hours:

  7-  8 M-F

11-12 M-F


Course Description:


 (4 credits)

This course meets or helps meet the new BOT rule with respect to concepts of patterns, relations, and functions; discrete mathematics; probability; and statistics that are pertinent to middle school mathematics.


MATH 1011 or consent of instructor.


Professional Education Mission Statement

Bemidji State University prepares teachers through inquisitive, involved, reflective practice. The framework outlining our program sets a standard that is rigorous, exemplary and innovative. The curricular structure is research based and organized around the Standards of Effective Practice. Graduates are proficient, collaborative, technologically literate and environmentally aware teachers, who work effectively in various settings with diverse learners.




Mathematics for Elementary Teachers a Contempory Approach,
Musser, Burger & Peterson



A calculator


Attendance by all students is expected for all classes.


Homework:  Homework assignments will be made in class.  You should come prepared to discuss the various reading assignments and compare and contrast them with what you have observed in schools.

Class participation and quizzes:  Class participation is expected and in order to participate you need to be present. 

Exams: Exams will be approximately tri-weekly. There will be a final exam.

Evaluation:There will be 3-5 tests given throughout the quarter.  Quizzes may be given frequently and may be unannounced.  The content for the quizzes and tests will be based on assignments, classroom discussion and lecture, and textbook material.

Grades: Grades will be based on the homework, quizzes, tests, and final exam.

Homework, Quizzes   -  one-sixth                 

            Tests                           - one-half                    

            Final                            - one-third                  

The following grading scale will be used to determine grades:

            A         90% - 100%

            B         80% -   89%

            C         70% -   79%

            D         60% -   69%


A grade of C or better indicates that the student has successfully met the competencies measured in this class through discussion, homework, and projects.

Incomplete: An incomplete (I) grade will only be given in documented emergency situations. BSU policies will be followed.


Students are expected to practice the highest standards of ethics, honesty, and integrity in all of their academic work.  Any form of academic dishonesty (e.g. plagiarism, cheating, misrepresentation) may result in disciplinary action.  Possible disciplinary actions include failure for part or all of the course, as well as suspension from the University.


NOTE: Upon request, this document and others distributed in this course can be made available in alternate formats.  If you have a documented disability and need accommodations for this course please contact the instructor, the Disability Services Office in 202 Sanford Hall, Bemidji State University or Kathi Hagen in the Office for Students with Disabilities at 755-3883 for assistance.. Any other questions about this course should be directed to the instructor.


Change in Course Syllabus: The Instructor reserves the right to change this syllabus as this course proceeds if the need arises. Should a change be required the class will be notified.


Course Outline:

patterns, relations, and functions:



(a) recognize, describe, and generalize patterns and build mathematical models to describe situations, solve problems, and make predictions;


(b) analyze the interaction within and among quantities and variables to model patterns of change and use appropriate representations, including tables, graphs, matrices, words, algebraic expressions, and equations;


(c)  represent and solve problem situations that involve variable quantities and be able to use appropriate technology;


(d)  understand patterns present in number systems and apply these patterns to further investigations;

discrete mathematics:



(a) application of discrete models to problem situations using appropriate representations, including sequences, finite graphs and trees, matrices, and arrays;


(b) application of systematic counting techniques in problem situations to include determining the existence of a solution, the number of possible solutions, and the optimal solution;


(c) application of discrete mathematics strategies including pattern searching; organization of information; sorting; case-by-case analysis; iteration and recursion; and mathematical induction to investigate, solve, and extend problems; and


(d)  exploration, development, analysis, and comparison of algorithms designed to accomplish a task or solve a problem;

number sense:



(a)  understand number systems; their properties; and relations, including whole numbers, integers, rational numbers, real numbers, and complex numbers;


(b)  possess an intuitive sense of numbers including a sense of magnitude, mental mathematics, estimation, place value, and a sense of reasonableness of results;


(c)  possess a sense for operations, application of properties of operations, and the estimation of results;


(d)  be able to translate among equivalent forms of numbers to facilitate problem solving; and


(e)  be able to estimate quantities and evaluate the reasonableness of estimates;


  • See how the foundations for algebraic ideas are developed in the elementary mathematics classroom.
  • Understand connections between graphic, algebraic, and numeric representations. 
  • Use problem solving and mathematical modeling to understand and make decisions about real world problems.
  • Discern structure, pattern, organization, and alternative ways of thinking in mathematics.
  • Understand fundamental principles of probability and statistics. 
  • Understand the language of mathematics and develop the ability to express clearly mathematical ideas orally and in writing.





Instructional Strategies used by instructor in course:


PolyaŐs problem solving steps

1.     Understand the problem

    1. Devise a plan
    2. Carry out the plan
    3. Reflect


Lesson Sequencing

            Intuitions Þ Concrete ó Semi-Concrete ó Abstract


GlenŐs Teaching/Learning Principles

1.     Teach the way students learn

2.     Use group work, heterogenous, 3-4, change monthly

3.     Communication student ó student

4.     Communication teacher ó student

5.     Multiple solution paths

6.     Use contextual settings / problem solving

7.     Assessment

a.     Grading

b.     To inform instruction


Updated by Glen Richgels

March 2, 2010


TENTATIVE Daily Course Outline

Day 1

Introductions and 88 problem

Day 2

Continue introductions and wrap-up 88 problem. Examine Juicy Juice problem and student work.

Day 3

Look at Juicy Juice solutions and view IMAP vidoe #3

Day 4

Wrap-up solutions to problem solving -- look at Cryptarithms / Ninebl.sol

Day 5


Day 6

Irrational numbers on the geoboard

Day 7

Making squares on the geoboard using irrational numbers

Day 8

Now that you can make a square of area five, find a decimal to represent the square root of five. Bisection method

Day 9

Continue with the bisection method and look at "divide and average" method to approximate irrational numbers

Day 10

Wrap-up irrational numbers. Begin to look at patterns

Day 11

No class - Todd's at a meeting in the Cities

Day 12

More patterns -- number of arms in classroom, growing letters, ... What is algebra? (NCTM: concrete / pictoral representation, graph, formula, table, and words)

Day 13

Examine recursive (Next = Now...) and explicit (y=ax+...) formulae

Day 14

School store -- pencils 15 cents and erasers 25 cents

Day 15

Using manipulatives - a balance scale approach. Solve: x+2=6, x-2=7, x+3=-8, x-4=-9, 2x+4=x+5, 3x+2x=x+8, 3x+-2x=-x+8, 2x+6=-x, 2x+3=2x-5, ...

Day 16

Balance scales continued

Day 17

Greta arrives - quiz on balance scales

Day 18

No class - Greta

Day 19

Issues with balance scales: can you move from one side to the other?

Day 20


Day 21

No class - University planning day

Day 22

Algeblocks - multiplying terms

Day 23

Algeblocks - factoring

Day 24

Algeblocks - what is a cubic

Day 25

Algeblocks - maybe a surprise quiz?

Day 26

Building Houses and I Spy Patterns (from NCTM Navigations through Algebra in grades 3-5)

Day 27

Building With Toothpicks and Exploring Houses (from NCTM Navigations through Algebra in grades 6-8)

Day 28

More toothpicks

Day 29

More houses

Day 30

Review algeblocks, islands, balance scales, patterns, ...

Day 31

Squares Cubed (from NCTM Navigations through Algebra in grades 3-5)

Day 32

Bouncing Tennis Balls and Triangle Rule Machine (from NCTM Navigations through Algebra in grades 3-5 & 6-8)

Day 33

TEST 1 -- Friday, October 24th

Day 34

Review Houses on Islands problems

Day 35

Relating intuition and algebra

Day 36

36th Annual Northern MN Mathematics Contest -- no class

Day 37

Wrap-up Triangle rule machine

Day 38

Wrap-up bouncing tennis balls -- regression on calculators

Day 39

Todd home sick

Day 40

Todd home sick

Day 41

Line of best fit -- slope and intercept

Day 42

Wrap-up slope and intercept

Day 43

SHOES -- random sampling

Day 44

SHOES -- displaying data

Day 45

Wrap-up slope, intercept, sampling, and displaying data.

Day 46

Flip, Bam, and Spin -- experimental and theoretical probability

Day 47

Expected value -- pick a card, any card. Face card pays $10, anything else loses $5. Wanna play?

Day 48

Fair games

Day 49

Fair game is when expected value = 0

Day 50

Monte Carlo casino day

Day 51

no class -- Thanksgiving

Day 52


Day 53


Day 54


Day 55









Final Exam – 2 Hours Comprehensive


Board of Teaching Standards



Department of Mathematics and Computer Science




Course ID


Activity or unit


C.A teacher with a middle level endorsement for teaching mathematics in grades 5 through 8 must demonstrate knowledge of fundamental concepts of mathematics and the connections among them. The teacher must know and apply:




(1)  concepts of patterns, relations, and functions:




(a) recognize, describe, and generalize patterns and build mathematical models to describe situations, solve problems, and make predictions;


PaulŐs points, school store; relatives


(b) analyze the interaction within and among quantities and variables to model patterns of change and use appropriate representations, including tables, graphs, matrices, words, algebraic expressions, and equations;


Growing letters;

3 island problem


(c)  represent and solve problem situations that involve variable quantities and be able to use appropriate technology;




(d)  understand patterns present in number systems and apply these patterns to further investigations;


n-gon numbers


(2)  concepts of discrete mathematics:




(a) application of discrete models to problem situations using appropriate representations, including sequences, finite graphs and trees, matrices, and arrays;


Tournament matrix; Euler circuits/Hamilton circuits;


(b) application of systematic counting techniques in problem situations to include determining the existence of a solution, the number of possible solutions, and the optimal solution;


Sales routes; fib seq, lucas seq, golden ratio; sprouts; discrete yearbook


(c) application of discrete mathematics strategies including pattern searching; organization of information; sorting; case-by-case analysis; iteration and recursion; and mathematical induction to investigate, solve, and extend problems; and


Sorting algorithms; tower of H



(d)  exploration, development, analysis, and comparison of algorithms designed to accomplish a task or solve a problem;


Greedy algorithm; NN


(3)  concepts of number sense:




(a)  understand number systems; their properties; and relations, including whole numbers, integers, rational numbers, real numbers, and complex numbers;


Reals, modular, dihedral group; complex numbers (# and operations 9-12)


(b)  possess an intuitive sense of numbers including a sense of magnitude, mental mathematics, estimation, place value, and a sense of reasonableness of results;


Craigs stories (number magnitude); scientific notation


(c)  possess a sense for operations, application of properties of operations, and the estimation of results;


Other base arithmetic from m1011


(d)  be able to translate among equivalent forms of numbers to facilitate problem solving; and


Fractions, decimals, percents


(e)  be able to estimate quantities and evaluate the reasonableness of estimates;


Items and estimate magnitudes














Professional Education Mission Statement

Bemidji State University prepares teachers through inquisitive, involved, reflective practice. The framework outlining our program sets a standard that is rigorous, exemplary and innovative. The curricular structure is research based and organized around the Standards of Effective Practice. Graduates are proficient, collaborative, technologically literate and environmentally aware teachers, who work effectively in various settings with diverse learners.


The middle level teachers from BSU that take the campus M3065 class will increase their content knowledge and understanding of how students learn as they experience studying fundamental operations, number sense, discrete mathematics and patterns and functions. M3065 is a mixture of challenging students in the understanding of number sense, discrete  mathematics, foundations of algebra and experiencing activity based pedagogy. This translates into a more positive attitude toward mathematics for themselves that hopefully they will take with them into their teaching.


The best practices of activity oriented learning is demonstrated in class from day one. In addition group work and collaborative learning are encouraged and used almost daily. These best practices are discussed at the beginning of the course and pointed out and discussed throughout the semester.