Grade Level/Course: __________________________________                                             Teacher(s): _______________________


Unit: _______________________________________________                                             Date: ____________________________


Topic(s): __________________________________________________________________________________________




Resources:                 Transparencies:      _________________________________________________________________________

                                                Worksheets:               _________________________________________________________________________

                                                Technology:               _________________________________________________________________________

                                                Manipulatives:        _________________________________________________________________________

                                                Other Supplies:       _________________________________________________________________________

Assessments:          Classwork:                  _________________________________________________________________________

                                                Assignment Options:                 __________________________________________________________________

                                                Project/Performance Task: __________________________________________________________________

                                                Quiz/Test:                    ___  Objective Items     ___  Short Answer with Work Shown     ___  Extended Response

                       Individual or Group Presentation:       __________________________________________________________

                                                Notebook/Portfolio:                   __________________________________________________________________

                       Journal/Exit Slips:                       __________________________________________________________________

                        Observation(s):      _________________________________________________________________________



2007 MN Math Standards and Benchmarks


                         ____  Number & Operations                                          _____ Data Analysis  and Probability

 _____ Algebra                                                                               _____ Geometry & Measurement


Instructional Strategies



___ Questioning                                                                             ___ Brainstorming                                               ___ Demonstration                                             

___ Inquiry                                                                                          ___ Setting Objectives/Goals                  ___ Reinforcing Effort

___ Accessing Prior Knowledge                                  ___ Recording Information ___ Graphic Organizers & Other Non-LRs



___ Questioning                                                                             ___ Cooperative Learning                          ___ Instructional Technology

___ Presentations/Sharing                                                   ___ Problem Solving                                        ___ Compare and Contrast

___ Guided Practice                                                                  ___ Problem-based Learning                    ___ Simulations and Modeling

___ Reinforcing Effort                                                                                                                                                            ___ Graphic Organizers & Other Non-LRs



___ Questioning                                                                             ___ Cooperative Learning                          ___ Reinforcing Effort

___ Written or Oral Summaries                                     ___ Compare and Contrast                          ___ Graphic Organizers & Other Non-LRs

___ Providing Feedback                                                       ___ Discuss                                                               ___ Analyze



___ Questioning                                                                             ___ Research                                                           ___ Problem Solving

___ Presentations and Exhibitions                               ___ Project Design                                             ___ Connections to Other Disciplines



The Plan:


LAUNCH (Introducing)
















EXPLORE (Investigation(s))(Making, Investigating, Finding . . .)


Group 1

Group 2

Group 3






















































SUMMARIZE (Wrapping the Lesson) (Discussing, Writing . . .)


¥  What was the main concept/skill we learned?


¥  Can someone restate that?


¥ Who can give an example or two?


Group 1

Group 2

Group 3




























APPLY (Solving in a New Context))


Group 1

Group 2

Group 3















